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Crèche Fee Structure

2022/2023 Fee Structure

Registration - Kshs. 16,000.00
0 to 3 years - Kshs.145,000.00 per term (3 times a week attendance)
0 to 3 years - Kshs.158,000.00 per term (full week attendance)
3 to 6 years - Kshs.180,000.00 per term

(Kindergarten fee is inclusive of drinking water, snacks, and lunch)

Transport Charges

One-way drop off  - Kshs.34,000.00 per term

- Kshs.2,000.00 one-way drop-off daily charges

Cheques to be drawn in the name of Crêche International

Bank Transfer Details:
Account Name: Crèche International
Account No: 0102011222700

Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank
Bank Branch: Westlands - Nairobi


PAY-BILL  329329   Account number 112227  (Standard Chartered)

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